Saturday Jan 27, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Saturday, January 27, 1-2pm
Wendell Gilley Museum, 4 Herrick Rd, Southwest Harbor Or Online
Free, but registration is required
Melinda Rice-Schoon
(207) 244-7555
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Join researcher Marisa Monroe at the Gilley on Saturday, Jan. 27 to learn about her work mapping and predicting when and where amphibian cross roads in Acadia National Park in order to prevent mortality, the different species of amphibians in the Park, how those migrations might differ, examples from around the world on how to mitigate mortality, existing data for Acadia — and how you can help. The spectacle of spring migration is captivating, but amphibian movements during the rest of the year are largely ignored by citizen science groups. In order to provide Acadia with a broad dataset from March through October, Monroe is looking for citizen scientists to help collect data in 2024 and 2025. Monroe would love to hear from attendees about amphibian movements they have observed throughout the area. This event will happen in person and online - please indicate how you will attend when you sign up. This is a free event, but registration is required.