Saturday Jan 27, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Saturday, January 27, 5-8pm Saturday, February 24, 5-8pm Saturday, March 23, 5-8pm Saturday, April 27, 5-8pm
Wendell Gilley Museum, 4 Herrick Rd, Southwest Harbor
$5 for museum members $10 for non-members
Melinda Rice-Schoon
(207) 244-7555
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Come hang out Saturday night at the Gilley and get creative! Use our materials or BYOP (bring your own project) at this open-studio style community club. Each session we'll have a still life, carved bird sculptures, and a clothed model (for a limited amount of time, though more if anyone feels like volunteering here and there!). Stop by any time between 5pm and 8pm to enjoy refreshments and a casual, artistic atmosphere with fellow creators and crafters! Materials available and welcome: Pencils, colored pencils, markers, ink, watercolor, acrylic paint, collage, gelli printing, wood carving, mixed media, crochet/knitting. Materials unfortunately not welcome: Oil paint, clay, particularly messy mixed media Paper and yarn is available for use but not canvases nor crochet/sewing needles - so feel free to bring your own if that's what you'd like to work on! Charcoal and chalk pastel are welcome but not provided.