Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Tuesday, February 27, 7-8pm
Free, reservations are required.
(207) 244-7555
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Artist-Conservationist Rose Tanner joins the Gilley online for February’s People-Nature-Art presentation. Rose is an award-winning artist based in Vancouver, B.C., who loves the outdoors and studying birds. She is dedicated to portraying her subjects using traditional oil painting techniques. As a professional artist, Rose Tanner has dedicated years to the arts and is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to develop new skills. She believes it’s her attention to their inner being that gives them their lifelike quality in her paintings. She says, "If my paintings can remind you of how extraordinary, how diverse and how truly beautiful nature is then I have done my work." Rose travels widely to find her subjects, and she is active in supporting endangered birds and their habitat. She is a signature member of The Federation of Canadian Artists. This is an online-only event, with Rose Zooming in from her home studio in Canada. People-Nature-Art is monthly series brings artists, writers, carvers, and creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to explore how nature and art interact in their work, and how their art impacts their own approach to nature.